Copy gpx file to the phone
RideWithGPX gpx tracks can be downloaded to OSMAND.
These instructions assume you have RideWithGPX open on a computer.
1) Select the Export option and click on "GPX Tracks" and download to computer.
2) Find the gpx file on the computer and "copy" it.
3) Connect the phone to the computer via a USB cable.
4) Log into the phone. That should activate the phone as a remote storage device.
5) Select the "Phone" folder, then the following sequence to get to the OSMAND "tracks" folder: Android, data, net.osmand, and then files.
6) Paste the gpx file into tracks.
Open gpx file on phone
These instructions assume that you have previously loaded OSM maps for destination region, such as Quebec.
1) Lauch OSMAND
2) Tap the direction arrow icon at the bottom of the screen.
3) Tap the Options link on the upper right side of the screen
4) Tap the GPX route option.
5) Tap Select GPX.
6) Select the appropriate GPX route
7) Close this selection screen and the map will appear with your route
8) Tap the Start button.
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